
Power and Delay Domain Parameters of Channel Measurements at 2.53 GHz in an Urban Macro Cell Scenario

Böttcher, A. ,  Schneider, C. ,  Narandzic, M. ,  Vary, P. ,  Thomä, R. S.
Book Title:
4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2010)
European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP)
Barcelona, Spain
Apr. 2010


Realistic channel data have shown to be a mandatory pre-request for performance studies of recent mobile system designs beyond 3G, in particular when considering novel multi-antenna techniques. Channel models conceived in IST-WINNER, COST273 or standardisation bodies are based on real-field measurement data. This paper presents analysis results of so called large-scale parameters derived from an extensive multi-user and multi-base station MIMO measurement campaign in an urban macro cell scenario. The focus is on the parameters of the delay and power domains, their distribution as well as auto and crosscorrelations. Parameters from WINNER II channel model could be verified, furthermore missing gaps among them could be closed. A third contribution shows strong variations of the parameters depending on the base station position. Parts of the considered measurement data are free accessible and can be used for free research.



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