ICMCIS - Best Paper Award for Ali Yilmaz Yildirim, Stefan Couturier, Konstantin Schwalm, Marc Adrat, Christiane Antweiler and Peter Jax

The results of the master thesis by Mr. Ali Yilmaz Yildirim, M.Sc., jointly supervised with the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE, Wachtberg, Germany, were presented in a paper on "Spectrum Monitoring Based on Error Vector Magnitude and Received Signal Strength Indicator" at ICMCIS 2022.

Reliable spectrum monitoring is highly relevant to the operation of cognitive radios, which perform analysis of temporal and local frequency occupancy before using the electromagnetic spectrum for their own radio purposes.

This paper was awarded with the "Best Paper Award" at the conference, which was held May 17-18 in Undine, Italy. Dr.-Ing. Markus Antweiler accepted the award on behalf of the FKIE as head of department.
