News Archive

Orchestra Recordings with 4th Order Ambisonics

In the past, we have worked on an exciting project in cooperation with the Aachen Symphony Orchestra, which resulted in extraordinary multimedia content. The goal was to take listeners virtually into the orchestra, as if they were personally within the scene.

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RWTH Video | Female Students in MINT Subjects

As a follow-up to our participation in a contribution of the ZDF heute journal, we were allowed to support the team of the RWTH Press Office in a contribution on the topic of "Female Students in MINT Subjects". 

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Presentation of Maximilian Kentgens at the BGU, Israel

Maximilian Kentgens was recently invited to give a lecture at the renowned Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Be'er Sheva, Israel.

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IKS at RWTH Career Day (Berufetag)

The RWTH Career Day (Berufetag) supports pupils in exploring occupational fields at the university. 

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Institute Tour for ETOS Students

In the summer term 2023, the fifth class of ETOS students has already begun their studies.

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Pupils' Workshop

The Institute's scientific staff provided an insight into their work. 

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Licence Agreement with Elevear

The close cooperation with the RWTH spin-off Elevear is beginning to pay off.

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Support of the ZDF heute journal

For a contribution on 31 March 2023 in the “heute journal” concerning the question "How to attract more women to technical professions", TV editor Peter Böhmer from the North Rhine-Westphalia state studio did some investigations at RWTH.

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Positive Feedback for Hybrid Teaching Concept

At the end of the WS term 2022/23, it is clear from the evaluation results that, although courses in presence are possible throughout, the students rate the new hybrid teaching concept of the IKS very positively. 

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Contributions to the Student Information Day

RWTH hosted the Student Information Day for students of Q1 and Q2 or grades 12 and 13 as well as prospective students. The format was supported by members of the institute.

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