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Till Hardenbicker | Best Paper Award ITG 2023

The paper entitled “Fast Tracking of Time-Variant Systems Using Local Affine Subspaces” from Till Hardenbicker and Prof. Peter Jax received the Best Paper Award from Prof. Sebastian Möller.

For the identification and tracking of linear acoustic systems, a novel variant of the Kalman filter is proposed that only tracks a low dimensional system representation in a linear subspace. The low dimensional affine subspace is updated in every time step, using the principal directions of neighboring reference impulse responses. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is robust in adverse signal-to-noise ratios and reduces the relative system distance compared to state-of-art approaches when tracking time-variant systems.

In the selection process conducted by the ITG program committee, Florian Hilgemann achieved the exact same score and also received the ITG 2023 Best Paper Award.
