Dr.-Ing. Birgit Schotsch
In 2015 former scientific co-worker
Current Employer:Airbus Group, München
E-Mail: Birgit.Schotsch(at)Airbus.com
Publications from May/ 2007 to Mar/ 2006
Schotsch, B.: Mismatch of First Order A Priori Information in Iterative Source-Channel Decoding, in Proceedings of International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (POSTER)(Prague, Czech Republic), Ceské Vysoké Ucení Technické, May. 2007
Clevorn, T., Schotsch, B., Schmalen, L., Vary, P. and Adrat, M.: Separation of Recursive Convolutional Codes into Sub-Codes using Galois Field Arithmetic, in Proceedings of Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)(Princeton, NJ, USA), Mar. 2006