Lehrstuhlexkursion - 22. August 2022
Auf der diesjährigen Exkursion konnten wir detaillierte Einblicke in die Raumakustik der Kölner Philharmonie gewinnen. Frau Brigitte Graner, Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin der GRANER+PARTNER GmbH in Bergisch Gladbach, berichtete uns aus erster Hand über die Anforderungen und die Herausforderungen bei der Planung und Umsetzung eines solchen Konzertsaals. Ein super spannender Einblick hinter die Kulissen!
Strategic Seminar - 9.-10. June 2022
The main topics at this year's strategy seminar in Monschau were the onboarding of new employees in time of Corona, the innovations to be made permanent after Corona, such as digital hybrid teaching or optimal IT systems for new home office arrangements.
Strategies were adopted to increase efficiency, prioritization and communication of various work packages in order to achieve a balance between research, teaching, organization tasks and project work.
A segway tour around Monschau as a teambuilding measure offered an outdoor activity and challenged the driving skills of the employees.
Strategy Seminar - March 13, 2019
This year's strategy seminar in Ettringen focused on concepts and ideas for the sustainability of software, frameworks and data management. "How to achieve a high degree of reusability in software development" or "What do future simulation platforms and software frameworks for real-time signal processing look like" were some of the questions that were intensively discussed and worked on.
An offroad geocaching tour in the expedition vehicle as a teambuilding measure offered some outdoor activity and challenged our driving skills.
Institute Excursion – July 2, 2018
At this year's institute excursion we entered deep into the history of the Aachen textile industry. With an extensive tour of the Textile Museum Tuchwerk-Aachen, the participants were informed about the industrial past and present of the textile production.
In the afternoon, a team building action was on the program. During the visit of the Merkel Grottoes in Valkenburg, two teams faced different tasks and challenges at a depth of 40 metres. The challenge was to walk in complete darkness, to move through narrow tunnels and to overcome water. Both teams survived!
Excursion to FKIE, Wachtberg - January 23, 2018
A total of 21 students and staff of the IKS took the opportunity to visit the Fraunhofer Institute of Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIW) in Wachtberg.
At the invitation of the head of the department, Dr.-Ing. Markus Antweiler, we gained an overview of the research activities of the various departments. Particularly interesting was the presentation and demonstration of selected projects.
Softskills und Teamwork
Stratic Seminar in Monschau - June 23, 2017
The scientific staff of the IKS held a two-day strategic seminar in the Eifel region to discuss the future orientation and development of the Institute. In addition to new research topics, e.g., in the field of "Spatial Audio Recording and Reproduction", new topics for the lectures were discussed.
The visit of a nearby brewery museum provided for a bit of movement and presented an opening of the evening. A special lecture by Daniel Haupt entiteld "Spaced Repetition" completed the evening program.
Strategy Seminar - March 9, 2016
This year from March 7th to 9th the annual strategy seminar of the IKS was held in the Eifel which was structured in two main blocks.
Moderated by Astrid Mueller, an external coach, the group took part in a team building seminar. Within the first two days important strategic groundwork was laid to initiate future developments.
Within a pleasant get-together in the evening, the group was able to demonstrate their "superior" singing skills.
On the last day other organizational issues were discussed and decided.
IND Excursion to Erlangen and Munich - Juni 19, 2015
During an excursion form June 17th-19th 15 students and staff of the IND visited industrial partners in Erlangen and Munich.
The excursion has led us to Sivantos (formerly Siemens Hearing Instruments), Intel Mobile Communications and Rhode & Schwarz.
The participants were provided a good insight into the companies by means of several technical presentations, discussions, viewings of laboratories and demonstrations. Topics such as current trend in hearing aids, development of RF front-ends for mobile telephones and related measurement technology were in the focus.
A particularly challenge was the visit of the world's largest indoor climbing center in Munich Thalkirchen.
Study trip to the coal mine in Blegny (B) - June 30, 2014
The Institute of Communication Systems and Data Processing visited the coal mine in Blegny (Belgium).
It is situated near Liège and belongs to the Unesco world heritage. The mine has been used for coal mining until 1980 and is still in the state in which it was left at that time.
During the visit, 26 participants went down to a depth of 60 meters. For the first 30 meters the original two-storied conveyor cage was taken. While walking down to the 60 meter gallery the tilt of the coal bed was observable.
During the guided tour, many aspects of mining were illustrated, especially the underground working conditions. The pneumatic tools caused a high noise level, which was demonstrated by the still operating machines. Some coals beds only had a height of half a meter, which led to a very constricted working place for the pitmen.
Excursion to Munich and Nuremberg - June 13, 2014
During an excursion form 10.06.2014 to 13.06.2014, 19 students and employees of the IND visited the companies Rhode & Schwarz, BMW and Qualcomm in Munich and Nuremberg.
The participants were provided a good insight into the companies by means of several technical presentations, discussions, viewings of laboratories and demonstrations. The topics covered were software defined radio, the planning of mobile radio networks and sound-design in vehicles. Apart from that, an interesting evening program was offered, which included among other things a guided tour through the historic rock-out cellars in Nuremberg.
Seminar - Frebruary 20, 2014
The staff of the IND had 3 days of closed meetings to thoroughly discuss current and future research topics.
Besides that many ideas have been developed to improve the teaching courses, especially with a new laboratory.
In a forester guided hike through the forest we got a lot offresh air and in the evening a colleague inspired us with a presentation about diving.
Hannover-Exkursion – 7.-19. September 2013
Studierende und Mitarbeiter(innen) des Instituts haben Mitte September an einer Exkursion in den Raum Hannover teilgenommen. Auf dem Programm standen der Besuch von:
- Sennheiser, Wedemark
- Technicolor, Hannover
- Volkswagen, Wolfsburg
Neben hochinteressanten fachlichen Vorträgen, Demonstrationen und Diskussionen boten die Firmen auch Einsichten in ihre diversen Produktionsstätten.
Das Programm wurde durch eine Auffahrt im Bogenaufzug des Rathauses und eine Bruchmeisterführung in Hannover kulturell ergänzt.
Lehrstuhlexkursion – 1. Juli 2013
Anfang Juli ging es nach Duisburg zu ThyssenKrupp, Deutschlands größtem Stahl- und Technologieunternehmen. Gut behütet wurde der Stahlabstich verfolgt und das Walzwerk besichtigt. Neben den vielen Eindrücken waren die detaillierten Ausführungen zu Themen wie Lärm am Arbeitsplatz, Qualitätskontrolle und Produktionskosten von Interesse.
Doktorandenseminar – 4.-6. Februar 2013
Lehrstuhlexkursion – 12. Oktober 2012
Doktorandenseminar – 7.-9. Februar 2012
Exkursion nach München – 12.-14. Oktober 2011
An dieser Exkursion nahmen 15 Studierende und wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen teil. Es standen der Besuch des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt in Oberpfaffenhofen und der Firma Rohde & Schwarz in München auf dem Programm. Zusätzlich wurde an einer Führung im Deutschen Museum in München teilgenommen, das Meisterwerke der Naturwissenschaft und Technick ausstellt.
Lehrstuhlexkursion – 17. Juni 2010
Die Exkursion führte uns in Fernmeldemuseum Aachen. Da der Weg nicht weit war, haben wir die Strecke zu einer gemeinsamen Radtour genutzt. Das Fernmeldemuseum bietet Technik von gestern und vorgestern zum Anfassen und – was besonders interessant ist – auch zum Einschalten.

Exkursion zur Sonderausstellung „Codes und Clowns“ über Claude Shannon – 9. Februar 2010
Das Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum ist das größte Computermuseum der Welt. In einer Sonderausstellung über Claude Shannon, dem „Vater des Bits“ und Pionier unseres Informationszeitalters, zeigte das Museum eine Auswahl seiner Erfindungen, deren Funktion von höchst brauchbar bis nutzlos reichen konnte. Die Leihgaben stammen aus dem MIT Museum in Boston und waren so erstmals an einem anderen Ort öffentlich zu sehen.
Exkursion nach Süddeutschland – 3.-6. Juni 2009
Mit 20 Teilnehmern, Studierende und wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen, stand der Besuch verschiedener Firmen im süddeutschen Raum auf dem Programm, darunter Harman Becker/ Nuance in Ulm, Nokia Siemens Networks und Rohde & Schwarz in München.
Neben einem vielseitigen fachlichen Programm blieb Zeit für interessante Diskussionen mit den Industrievertretern. Darüber hinaus bot die Exkursion auch einige kulturelle Angebote.