Contact Persons
Head of Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Jax
Appointments by Simone Sedgwick
Registraion for examinations: Simone Sedgwick
Monday to Wednesday 08:00 - 15:00
Thursday 08:00 - 13:00
Lecture scripts for sale: Anett Schindler
Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 15:30, Friday 08:00-12:30, or by an individual appointment
Master programme: Lars Thieling
Contact person for student theses: Erik Fleischhauer
Contact person for student work (HiWi, WiHi): Till Hardenbicker
Questions regarding research projects
Speech Enhancement and Echo Cancellation: Till Hardenbicker
Spatial Audio: Peter Jax
Digital Signal Processing: Christiane Antweiler
Machine Learning for Speech and Audio Applications: Lars Thieling
Active Noise Cancellation (ANC): Christoph Weyer
Questions regarding lectures and exercises
Kommunikationstechnik:Till Hardenbicker
Advanced Coding and Modulation: Till Hardenbicker
Audio Signal Enhancement: Christiane Antweiler
Digital Speech Transmission: Christiane Antweiler
Modern Channel Coding for Wireless Communications: Marc Adrat
Machine Learning for Speech and Audio Processing: Lars Thieling