Conference and Journal Papers



Gerlach, C. G.: Analysis-by-Synthesis Speech Coding with Extended Approximation Interval, in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications(St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada), pp. 33-34, Oct. 1993

Paulus, J., Gerlach, C. G. and Antweiler, C.: High Quality Coding of Wideband Speech at 24 kbit/s, in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications(St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada), pp. 13-14, Oct. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G., Falter, A. and Döring, W.: Signalverarbeitung zur Verbesserung des Sprachverstehens mit Cochlea-Implantaten, in Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung in der Rehabilitationstechnik(Berlin, Germany), pp. 90-93, Oct. 1993

Vary, P.: Sprachsignalverarbeitung in Mobilfunk-Endgeräten, in ITG-Fachtagung Mobile Kommunikation(Neu-Ulm, Germany), pp. 9-16, Sep. 1993

Jung, N.: Performance of High Resolution A/D Converters in Time Interleaved Operation, in Frequenz, Vol. 47, No. 9-10, pp. 251-256, Sep. 1993

Gerlach, C. G.: Optimality of Sequential Quantization in Analysis-by-Synthesis Speech Codecs, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Berlin, Germany), pp. 1123-1126, Sep. 1993

Wuppermann, F., Antweiler, C. and Kappelan, M.: Objective Analysis of the GSM Half Rate Speech Codecs, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Berlin, Germany), pp. 249-252, Sep. 1993

Martin, R. and Vary, P.: Combined Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Dereverberation, and Noise Reduction: A Two Microphone Approach, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)(Plestin les Geves, France), pp. 125-132, Sep. 1993

Antweiler, C., Dörbecker, M. and Antweiler, M.: Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Mismatched Filter Techniques, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)(Plestin les Geves, France), pp. 87-93, Sep. 1993

Janse, K., Kellermann, W., Knibbeler, C., Martin, R. and Vary, P.: A Noise Reduction System for Automobiles, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)(Plestin les Geves, France), pp. 133-143, Sep. 1993

Martin, R.: An Efficient Algorithm to Estimate the Instantaneous SNR of Speech Signals, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Berlin, Germany), pp. 1093-1096, Sep. 1993

Paulus, J., Antweiler, C. and Gerlach, C. G.: High Quality Coding of Wideband Speech at 24 kbit/s, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Berlin, Germany), pp. 110-113, Sep. 1993

Mucke, H. J. and Kappelan, M.: Digitale Signalprozessoren in der Signalverarbeitung, in Funkschau, Jul. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G.: Intelligibility Improvement of Noisy Speech for People with Cochlear Implants, in (SpCom), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 261-266, Jul. 1993

Döring, W. and Hirsch, H.-G.: Speech Intelligibility Improvement for People with Cochlear Implants, in Proceedings of ESCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Disabled Persons(Stockholm, Sweden), pp. 15-18, Jun. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G., Hamacher, V. and Döring, W.: Improvement of Speech Perception in Noisy Environment: Investigations in Cochlear Implant Patients, in Proceedings of Third International Cochlear Implant Conference(Innsbruck, Austria), pp. 291-296, Apr. 1993

Gerlach, C. G.: A Probabilistic Framework for Optimum Speech Extrapolation in Digital Mobile Radio, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), pp. 419-422, Apr. 1993

Hermansky, H., Morgan, N. and Hirsch, H.-G.: Recognition of speech in additive and convolutional noise based on RASTA spectral processing, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Minneapolis, MN, USA), pp. 83-86, Apr. 1993

Vary, P. and Kittel, L.: Technical Trends in Digital Mobile Radio, in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Circuit, Systems and Signal Processing(Houthalen, Belgium), Mar. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G.: Estimation of Noise Spectrum and its Application to SNR-Estimation and Speech Enhancement, No. TR-93-012, Berkeley, California, USA, Mar. 1993