Conference and Journal Papers



Vary, P., Martin, R. and Altenhöner, J.: Kombinierte adaptive Filterung für die Kompensation akustischer Echos und die Störgeräuschunterdrückung, in Kleinheubacher Berichte, Vol. 38, pp. 517-526, Nov. 1994

Antweiler, C. and Schmitz, A.: Acoustic Echo Control Combined with Two Orthogonalizing Techniques, in Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)(Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain), pp. 1748-1751, Sep. 1994

Zürbes, S., Papen, W. and Schmidt, W.: A New Architecture for Mobile Radio with Macroscopic Diversity and Overlapping Cells, in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)(Den Haag, Netherlands), pp. 640-644, Sep. 1994

Martin, R.: Spectral Subtraction Based on Minimum Statistics, in Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)(Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain), pp. 1182-1185, Sep. 1994

Martin, R. and Vary, P.: Combined Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Dereverberation and Noise Reduction: A Two Microphone Approach, in (Annales), pp. 429-438, Jul. 1994

Antweiler, C. and Dörbecker, M.: Perfect Sequence Excitation of the NLMS Algorithm and its Application to Acoustic Echo Control, in (Annales), Vol. 49, No. 7-8, pp. 386-397, Jul. 1994, ISSN: 0003-4347

Hirsch, H.-G., Köhler, J., Morgan, N., Hermansky, H. and Tong, G.: Integrating Rasta-PLP into Speech Recognition, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Adelaide, Australia), pp. 421-424, Apr. 1994

Gerlach, C. G.: CELP Speech Coding with almost no Codebook Search, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Adelaide, Australia), pp. 109-112, Apr. 1994

Gerlach, C. G.: Low Complexity CELP Speech Coding using Structured Codebooks, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 247-250, Mar. 1994

Antweiler, C.: Orthogonalisierende Verfahren zur Verbesserung von digitalen Freisprecheinrichtungen, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), Mar. 1994

Martin, R. and Vary, P.: Mehrkanalige Verfahren für die Störgeräuschunterdrückung und die Kompensation akustischer Echos, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 299-302, Mar. 1994

Papen, W., Zürbes, S. and Schmidt, W.: Neue Netzarchitektur für den Mobilfunk mit Feststationen-Diversity und überlappenden Zellen, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 183-188, Mar. 1994

Paulus, J., Mundt, H. J. and Weihmann, T.: Breitbandige Sprachcodierung mit variabler Bitrate, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 207-210, Mar. 1994