Conference and Journal Papers



Adrat, M., Picard, J.-M. and Vary, P.: Softbit-Source Decoding Based on the Turbo-Principle, in Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)(Atlantic City, NJ, USA), pp. 2252 - 2256, Oct. 2001

Vary, P.: Joint Softbit Source and Channel Decoding, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 25-33, Sep. 2001

Martin, R. and Mertz, F.: Multiple Descriptions and Missing Data Estimation for Voice over Packet-Switched Networks, in Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV)(Bonn, Germany), Sep. 2001

Martin, R., Petrovsky, A. and Lotter, T.: Planar Superdirective Microphone Arrays for Speech Acquisition in the Car, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (INTERSPEECH)(Aalborg, Denmark), Sep. 2001

Werner, M. and Vary, P.: Simulation of the UMTS-FDD Radio Link: Capacity and Speech Quality, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), Sep. 2001

Adrat, M., Picard, J.-M. and Vary, P.: Analysis of Extrinsic Information from Softbit-Source Decoding Applicable in Iterative Source-Channel Decoders, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 349--354, Sep. 2001

Jax, P. and Vary, P.: Enhancement of Bandlimited Speech Signals, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), Sep. 2001

Mertz, F., Martin, R., Bossu, B., Fingscheidt, T. and Färber, T.: A Real-Time System for Voice over IP Using the Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Coder, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), Sep. 2001

Martin, R. and Lotter, T.: Optimal recursive smoothing of non-stationary periodograms, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)(Darmstadt, Germany), Sep. 2001

Enzner, G., Lampe, L. H. J., Schober, R. and Huber, J. B.: Noncoherent Coded Continuous Phase Modulation, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), Sep. 2001

Enzner, G., Martin, R. and Vary, P.: On spectral estimation of residual echo in hands-free telephony, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC)(Darmstadt, Germany), Sep. 2001

Martin, R.: Noise Power Spectral Density Estimation Based on Optimal Smoothing and Minimum Statistics, in (IEEE TSAP), Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 504-512, Jul. 2001

Schober, R., Lampe, L. H. J. and Enzner, G.: Noncoherent Sequence Estimation: A Comparison, in Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT)(Bucharest, Romania), Jun. 2001

Mertz, F., Moore, M. S. and Mitra, S. K.: Impulse Noise Removal from Images Generated by a Single CMOS Sensor with a Color Filter Array, in Proceedings of IEEE - EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP)(Baltimore, Maryland, USA), Jun. 2001

Adrat, M., Vary, P. and Spittka, J.: Iterative Source-Channel Decoder Using Extrinsic Information From Softbit-Source Decoding, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), pp. 2653 - 2656, May. 2001

Erdmann, C., Vary, P., Fischer, K., Xu, W., Marke, M., Fingscheidt, T., Varga, I., Kaindl, M., Quinquis, C., Kövesi, B. and Massaloux, D.: A Candidate Proposal for a 3GPP Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband Speech Codec, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), pp. 757 - 760, May. 2001

Martin, R., Hoelper, C. and Wittke, I.: Estimation of Missing LSF Parameters Using Gaussian Mixture Models, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA), pp. 729-732, May. 2001

Fingscheidt, T. and Vary, P.: Softbit Speech Decoding: A New Approach to Error Concealment, in (IEEE TSAP), Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 240 - 251, Mar. 2001

Heinen, S.: Quellenoptimierter Fehlerschutz für digitale Übertragungskanäle, Ph. D. Dissertation IND, RWTH Aachen, Aachener Beiträge zu Digitalen Nachrichtensystemen (ABDN), 14, Feb. 2001

Martin, R.: Small Microphone Arrays with Postfilters for Noise and Acoustic Echo Reduction, in Microphone Arrays, Springer, pp. 255-279, 2001