The evaluation of mobile radio physical layer concepts under realistic channel conditions is an important contribution to the design of mobile communication systems. In this context the physical layer demonstrator UMICore has been developed as part of an ongoing UMIC research project. UMICore allows for the demonstration, visualization and training of physical layer concepts. The main focus is on adaptive coding and modulation, iterative receiver concepts as well as different channel models. The modular structure of the demonstrator allows the fast and easy integration of new components and algorithms with regard to the comparison with state-of-the-art systems. For the investigation of the UMIC physical layer aspects UMTS LTE serves as reference.
The UMICore demonstrator depicted above serves as graphical user interface of the physical layer simulation framework. UMICore is able to visualize multiple physical layer concepts (e.g., UMTS LTE, WiMAX, DVB-T). UMICore allows for an interactive adaptation of all relevant physical layer parameters like (in case of LTE) code rate, modulation scheme, number of turbo iterations or maximum number of HARQ retransmissions. The transmission is visualized by a live plot of the modulation constellation diagram (after equalization). The current bit error rate is indicated in a bar chart and illustrated by an image transmission, additionally. Further evaluation of the physical layer is enabled by plots of throughput and EXIT charts (in case of turbo codes). The user can apply different channel models in the physical layer simulation. The graphical user interface allows for the flexible adjustment of different channel settings as well as the depiction of the current channel state information.
UMICore Download (v1.2)
- Microsoft Windows
- Linux (tbd.)
This software is provided as is. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Contact Information
Benedikt Eschbach, Annika Böttcher, and Peter Vary
UMICore: Physical Layer Demonstrator for Mobile Communications
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011
Benedikt Eschbach, Annika Böttcher, and Peter Vary
UMICore - A Mobile Radio Physical Layer Demonstrator
International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2011), February 2011