Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Günter Hirsch

Seit 1994 ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Jetziger Arbeitgeber:Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informatik, Hochschule Niederrhein

E-Mail: hans-guenter.hirsch(at)


Hirsch, H.-G. and Ehrlicher, C.: Noise Estimation Techniques for Robust Speech Recognition, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Detroit, USA), pp. 153-156, May. 1995

Hirsch, H.-G., Köhler, J., Morgan, N., Hermansky, H. and Tong, G.: Integrating Rasta-PLP into Speech Recognition, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Adelaide, Australia), pp. 421-424, Apr. 1994

Hirsch, H.-G., Falter, A. and Döring, W.: Signalverarbeitung zur Verbesserung des Sprachverstehens mit Cochlea-Implantaten, in Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung in der Rehabilitationstechnik(Berlin, Germany), pp. 90-93, Oct. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G.: Intelligibility Improvement of Noisy Speech for People with Cochlear Implants, in (SpCom), Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 261-266, Jul. 1993

Döring, W. and Hirsch, H.-G.: Speech Intelligibility Improvement for People with Cochlear Implants, in Proceedings of ESCA Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for Disabled Persons(Stockholm, Sweden), pp. 15-18, Jun. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G., Hamacher, V. and Döring, W.: Improvement of Speech Perception in Noisy Environment: Investigations in Cochlear Implant Patients, in Proceedings of Third International Cochlear Implant Conference(Innsbruck, Austria), pp. 291-296, Apr. 1993

Hermansky, H., Morgan, N. and Hirsch, H.-G.: Recognition of speech in additive and convolutional noise based on RASTA spectral processing, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Minneapolis, MN, USA), pp. 83-86, Apr. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G.: Estimation of Noise Spectrum and its Application to SNR-Estimation and Speech Enhancement, No. TR-93-012, Berkeley, California, USA, Mar. 1993

Hirsch, H.-G.: Robust Speech Recognition in Noisy and Reverberant Environment, in NATO ASI Series F - Speech Recognition and Understanding: Recent Advances, Trends and Application, Vol. 75, Springer-Verlag, pp. 101-106, 1992

Hirsch, H.-G.: Intelligibility Improvement of Noisy Speech for People with Cochlear Implants, in Proceedings of the ESCA workshop, "Speech Processing in Adverse Conditions"(Cannes, France), pp. 69-72, 1992

Hirsch, H.-G., Meyer, P. and Rühl, H. W.: Improved Speech Recognition Using High-Pass Filtering of Subband Envelopes, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Genova, Italy), pp. 413-416, Sep. 1991

Hirsch, H.-G., Pieper, T., Sydow, C. and Finster, H.: Spracherkennung mit einer gehörbezogenen Sprachanalyse, in Proceedings of German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)(Bochum, Germany), pp. 1029-1032, Apr. 1991

Hirsch, H.-G.: Untersuchungen zur Spracherkennung mit Störunterdrückung, in Proceedings of German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)(Bochum, Germany), Apr. 1991

Hirsch, H.-G., Pieper, T., Sydow, C. and Finster, H.: Automatische Spracherkennung mit einer gehörbezogenen Sprachanalyse und neuronalen Netzstrukturen, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 305-310, Sep. 1990

Hirsch, H.-G.: Automatische Spracherkennung in gestörter und halliger Umgebung, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 311-316, Sep. 1990

Hirsch, H.-G. and Corsten, A.: A new Method to improve Speech Recognition in a Noisy Environment, in Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)(Barcelona, Spain), pp. 1187-1190, Sep. 1990